- (2023-09-15)
Captured asteroid 892 Seeligeria.
- (2023-09-11)
I spent a total of three nights in a row (!!!) chasing asteroids, and what an amazing three nights I've been.
I've bagged a total of nine (!!!) asteroids during these three nights, with the dimmest one being magnitude 18.5, which means a new record for me!
- (2023-07-24)
I went on a complete asteroid-hunting bonanza! Four asteroids photographed, with the faintest one being magnitude 17! (#1, #2, #3, #4).
- (2023-07-23)
I've photographed my first asteroid.
- (2023-07-22)
Captured M64.
- (2023-07-21)
Captured a couple of globular clusters in the last nights. #1, #2 & #3.
- (2023-07-17)
New camera, new mount/camera/guiding controller and a new image of M14.
- (2023-06-15)
In March I had a great evening watching the Jupiter & Venus conjunction, which of I've now uploaded an image.
- (2023-06-08)
I've had two great nights in a row and I've done some moon astrophotography with my new ZWO ASI178mm.
- (2021-10-14)
I've had two great nights in a row and taken a total of three new pictures.
- (2021-10-04)
Uploaded a new picture of M27 - the dumbbell nebula that I photographed over two nights (1st and 2nd of October).
- (2021-09-21)
Uploaded a new picture and one animation of Jupiter.
- (2021-08-21)
I spent a few days at Utö in the Stockholm Archipelago and took the opportunity to photograph the perseid meteor shower.
There is one image and one timelapse video available.
- (2017-03-05)
A really good night of astronomy with various picture taken both with the LX50/NEQ6 and with the Astrotrac/Samyang 135mm!
- (2016-09-19)
Added one new picture of M13 (wide field) and two new pictures of noctilucent clouds.
- (2016-06-12)
Added two new videos of the mercury transit in the videos section. Also uploaded the first noctilucent clouds image for this year!
- (2016-05-16)
A picture of Jupiter and the Mercury transit! Updated equipment/telescopes page with solar telescope.
- (2016-03-20)
Another picture from the night of 11/12'th of Mars.
- (2016-03-16)
A really good night of astronomy!
- (2015-10-18)
After a really awesome night I've added loads of new images!
- (2015-10-11)
Added a couple of picture of the aurora and a planet conjunction.
- (2015-09-01)
Added a total of five new images of noctilucent clouds (NLC).
- (2015-08-30)
Added a couple of images and one new video of noctilucent clouds.
- (2015-07-13)
Added one new image and one new video.
- (2015-05-17)
A grand total of nine images!
- (2015-05-02)
Added six new images!
- (2015-04-30)
Added two videos ("Sky and Telescopes" and "Spring stars - Two nights at Ekerö").
- (2014-12-22)
Added two videos (Noctilucent clouds in 4K and Sun in H-Alpha).
- (2014-11-18)
Loads of updates!
1. Updated parts of the layout of this webpage to be more modern. Last layout change was many years ago, when the web look a whole lot different and standard resolution of a monitor was sub-1200px in width 
2. Added videos (astronomy and other)!
3. Added a section for "other" pictures (taken when doing astronomy)
- (2014-05-06)
A new image of the two Mars moons Deimos &Phobos!
- (2014-05-02)
A total of four new planetary images!
- (2014-04-02)
Two new images! The last for this season? Lets hope not!
- (2014-03-30)
Four new images!
- (2014-03-02)
Four new images! Image number three is image number 100 in the database! Hooray!
- (2014-01-01)
New images of flame and horsehead nebula.
- (2013-12-21)
New images of M81 & M82 and M39.
- (2013-12-09)
One new image of the small Jupiter moon Himalia.
- (2013-12-08)
One new image of M45.
- (2013-12-02)
Two new images of open clusters
- (2013-11-19)
Updated whole webpage so it's validating against the XHTML 1.1 standard. Also updated the CSS so it's validating. Standarding is nice.
- (2013-10-13)
A grand total of six new images taken during the last weekend!
- (2013-10-06)
A grand total of seven new images taken during the last nights!
- (2013-09-09)
New images of the pinwheel galaxy and the milky way.
- (2013-09-08)
New images of the andromeda galaxy ([1] and [2]) and the dumbbell nebula.
- (2013-09-02)
New image of cassiopeia.
- (2013-05-03)
New image of the ring nebula and the hercules globular cluster.
- (2013-04-28)
New image of saturn!
- (2013-04-03)
New category comets, and new image of comet PANSTARRS uploaded!
- (2013-04-02)
New image of M103.
- (2013-03-17)
New image of the whirlpool galaxy.
- (2013-03-10)
New image of the flame and horsehead nebula.
- (2013-03-03)
New image of the flame and horsehead nebula.
- (2013-02-04)
New image of the orion nebula and andromeda galaxy.
- (2013-01-27)
Added some pictures of the moon and jupiter.
- (2012-12-27)
Added section about windows phone development.
- (2012-06-17)
Added another picture of the sun.
- (2012-06-15)
Added another picture of the sun.
- (2012-06-14)
Added a new picture of the sun.
- (2012-06-06)
Added two new pictures from the Venus transit.
- (2012-03-28)
Added several new wide field images of the Moon/Jupiter/Venus conjunction here,
here and
- (2012-03-19)
Added several new wide field images of the Jupiter/Venus conjunction.
- (2011-12-29)
Added several new wide field images.
- (2011-12-23)
Added a new picture of M42 and M31.