This night we stayed at Ekerö to prepare ourself for the mercury transit the day after. We saw that Jupiter was shining bright in the sky and thus decided to go for it. This is our first own colour picture of the planets ever using a color filter wheel! IO is visible to the left and Europa to the right of Jupiter.
Date: 2016-05-08 / 20:34:23 UTC
Location: Ekerö, Sweden
Temperature: 10 °C
Telescope: Meade LX50 10" SCT
Camera: QHY5L-II-M
Mount: Skywatcher NE6 Pro Synscan
Filter: ZWO RGB
Other info: 30% of ~1500frames each channel (RGB). Gain=250. Shutter=5.386ms. ROI 1280X960. ZWO RGB filters and manual filter wheel.
Processing: Captured in Firecapture 2.4, stacked in AutoStakkert, processed in Photoshop CS6