NGC 6888 - The crescent nebula
I've seen the crescent nebula on the Internet numerous times and this time I decided it was time for me to try to photograph it. The sky was not so clear but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I'm quite happy with the result!
Date: 2021-10-08 / 21:05:00 UTC
Location: Munich, Germany
Temperature: 8 °C
Telescope: William-Optics ZenithStar 71ED
Camera: Canon 600Da (Astronomiser Rear Filter Removal)
ISO: 800
Mount: Manfrotto MT055CXPRO3, AstroTrac TT320X-AG, TW3100 wedge
Exposure time: 92 X 60 sec
Reducer/flattener: William-Optics 0.8X reducer/flattener (P-FLAT-F6)
Filter: Astronomik CLS
Other info: Total of 92 lights (1hr, 32min), 14 darks @ 60s, 30 bias, 15 flats.
Processing: Stacked in DeepSkyStacker 4.2.6. Processed in Photoshop CS6.