FINALLY got the chance to image comet panstarrs! I had been trying to find it two times earlier but without success. This time I got help from a very talented astrophotographer (Peter R). The andromeda galaxy (M31) is also visible in the upper part of this image. Not only did I image it, but I also got the chance to see it thru binoculars. The last time I saw a comet was when Hale-Bopp was around (around 1997). This image is taken from the central Stockholm so light pollution was a big problem.
Date: 2013-04-01
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Temperature: -5 °C
Telescope: Canon EF-S 18-135mm lens
Camera: Canon 600D
Exposure time: 33 X 30 sec
Other info: Guided by an Ioptron EQ-mount
Processing: Stacked and dark subtracted in DSS. Processed in Photoshop